Our unconventional story
In 1968,
a young Italian visionary named Gian Franco Brignone embarked on a journey to Mexico in search of the divine. As he flew over the pristine coastline of the Mexican Pacific, he was struck with inspiration. He saw in his mind's eye a story of an artist enamored with nature, creating sculptures that united the human spirit with the natural world. This vision became a reality, and from it was born Costa Careyes, a magical place for the brave and curious.
In 2023,
we, the new generation, wish to honor this philosophy by creating a product that not only embodies Gian Franco’s vision, but also captures the simplistic beauty, unique architecture, and rugged elegance of Costa Careyes.
Our mission is to share a true tequila that embodies the unique and colorful ingredients Costa Careyes, with the hope of guiding you on a journey of discovery and connection with the natural world.
our values
Laúd prides itself on its long-established relationship to Costa Alegre’s natural ecosystems and blooming wildlife. The message that we are all Earth’s guests is deep-rooted in the history of Careyes. We have taken this to heart and integrated it into the soul and body of Laúd. From the bottle to the packaging, to the exuberant flavor, it has all been made using sustainable materials, chemical-free organic harvests and designed to have a second life after its use.
Laúd only uses the finest organic Blue Weber Agave, grown and harvested in a single estate from the Tequila Valley in Jalisco, Mexico. Our master blend is crafted using artisanal methods to create a smooth and sophisticated palate; pure, complex, and unequaled in its ability to surprise. THE DISTILLATION PROCESS IS 100% organic and COMPLETELY FREE OF ADDITIVES, MAKING FOR THE MOST NATURAL TASTING TEQUILA.
The ethos of our brand lies in the spirit of the Laúd turtle. most commonly referred to as the Leatherback. A spirit that is bold, free, and elegant. Possessing the name Laúd has not only great power and strength but also a rich history. This is why we plan on giving back to the name. We will donate 7% of our profits through the Careyes Foundation to continue to help them preserve and give a safe nest to these legendary beings.